Tuesday, November 17, 2015


The fresh chèvre is one of the simplest and tastiest treats I can think of to serve. Pared with simple herbs and bread to an elegant addition to pasta dishes. I have made this cheese and serve it along side summer grilled vegi's and bbq or atop a fine steak during the holidays.
Whether dressed up, with sunflower seed, caladula petals and smoked paprika or a spooned fresh from draining cheesecloth bag and dolloped on crusty bread, cherve' is delicious. 
For a small family portion I start with a half gallon of goat milk, at 78 degrees or temp after milking. I add culture (for chèvre) approximately 1/4 teaspoon then add renet about 1/2 a drop in water.
Let sit overnight undisturbed. Strain into clean fabric that is used only in for your cheese making, I use the dollar store kerchief from men's department.. Not cheese cloth. Let strain most of day.
Add salt. Eat. Fresh
Or put into cheese molds for further draining and slight flavor change. More tang. 
Next day remove from molds add some herbs. Share. Or save refrigerated for 7-10 days.

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