Thursday, November 26, 2015


I am thankful for so much this year, so much has been positive. I am grateful for family, loved ones and my community. I have been fortunate to have been born and raised in free countries, the free countries that mandate women's rights. The shear "lottery win" that occurs with the location of a women's birth is not lost on me. 
I own property, vote, travel and congragate with a variety of people without a chaperone. I will not be chastised, arrested, beaten or stoned for things I do on a daily basis. I am a free women. I take for granted what other women would suffer and die for the same opportunities.
I have never care much for great debates of political parties or latest sorted travesties of power.
With this said, if you breathe, if you live you try to help another with struggle.

"I think we can agree that freedom is one of this country's great resources.... And I really do think that's why these people want to come here. I think this idea that they’re coming here to infiltrate, I think that is fear-based. I do think they want to come here and enjoy the same things you and I are lucky enough to enjoy."

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