Saturday, November 28, 2015

Grants: the good, the bad and the un-obtainable

It's raining. It has been raining here in southern Indiana for most part of the day and now into the night. Soo...I am grant writing and eating leftovers... Again.
Here's the thing, most grants incredibly competitive and restrictive by their nature. The amount of time researching and writing can be up to 40-50 hours easily. The temptation to short cut on research and or fudging numbers in budget can cost you funding. Most grant reviewers can sense last minute proposals construction or guessing at monies requested. I am currently writing an agricultural based grant and just submitted a grant geared towards women starting in business. I hope to write another one soon sponsored by my financial institution. The attraction, besides the obvious receiving of funds, is the research can yield a great deal of  information that may not have been considered initially. This can add to grant, project and ultimately the industry as a whole.

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